Thursday, January 20

Gambas 5 Minuti

Last night, I wanted to use one of my cazuelas and gas range (been very lazy to use it since my love affair with the Miele).  I decided to cook something simple yet tasty (don't we all?) and Gambas came to mind.  If you don't have a cazuela, just use a non-stick fry pan.
Drizzle extra virgin olive oil in your cazuela (or fry pan).  I like to use Arte Oliva Olive Oil placed in an olive oil pourer.   At first I thought that olive oil pourers were just frilly things in an industrial kitchen - but I was proven wrong by my dear Italian friend who gave it to me as a present.  It had saved me from several oil spills in my kitchen that I bought a few more during my last trip to Rome and not regret the investment made!
I bought this cazuela in Spain but have found some in Terry's Selection too.  And they're sold at very reasonable prices!
Remove the shells off your shrimps and de-vein them when you can (I have to make a mental note to ask my cook to do this next time).  I used "suahe" for this dish because I find them to be tastier and sweeter than regular shrimp.  Ensure that your cazuela is very hot before placing the shrimps.
Once you see the shrimps turn orange in color from pale grey, immediately add your chopped garlic.  Stir quickly and turn off the heat.  I personally do not like the garlic to get burnt (dark brown in color) because it leaves a bitter after-taste.
Season with sea salt.  You may add chillies at this stage for a spicy kick.  Remove the cazuela off the heat and be mindful of the fact that it continues to simmer for 5 to 10 minutes on the table.
The Young Tongue and hubby devoured it as swiftly as it took me to cook!  Wasn't that easy?