Easy to the eye, satisfying on the tummy, and fairly simple to prepare, here's how...
Slice your mushrooms lengthwise. Then slice your scallions the same length as the mushrooms. Marinate your chicken breast slices along with the vegetables in some extra virgin olive oil and Lawry's Lemon Pepper Seasoning.
I find the flavor a bit subtle, so I actually added some freshly squeezed oranges.
Then, in a red chopping board (use this color for raw meat), place a slice of bacon. Then top with the chicken breast and assemble the mushrooms and the scallions one of top of the other.
Roll the bacon until it securely wraps everything and then place a toothpick to ensure everything remains in place.
Roast in a pre-heated 180 C oven for 20 minutes or until cooked to the core. Like so...
Once it's fully cooked, remove the toothpicks. You can serve this as is or along with summer mushroom salad (click here for recipe).